California Association of Nonprofits
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Copyrights and Trademarks: What Nonprofits Need to Know
Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM PDT
Category: CalNonprofits Webinars

FREE for members/$45 for not-yet-members; recording will be available to all registrants

From your logo to your website, to your reports and even program names, your nonprofit holds important intellectual property that needs protection from infringement. And just because our organizations are mission-driven, doesn’t mean that we, too, can’t overstep copyright laws when quickly pulling images or music we ‘find’ on the internet. Clearly, some knowledge of copyright and trademark laws and how to navigate them is important to your nonprofit.

Join intellectual property attorney Clark D. Gross, JD who will discuss the basics of copyright and other intellectual property laws and how they apply to your nonprofit. You’ll come away better informed and equipped with practical tips you can use to protect your nonprofit. Presented by CalNonprofits and Public Counsel.

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